Contact: Houston Chiropractic Rehabilitation
TEL▷713-772-4607 FAX▷713-772-6015
Address▷8510 Hillcroft Houston, TX 77096 U.S.A.
A female presented with a dizziness. She stated that she has been suffering from it for 2 years. She visted several doctors including "dizziness specialist" and had special studies such as VNG, caloric, MRI imagings. All of the results were "normal" and she was told that she did not have any abnormality by those doctors. However, her symptoms got worse and worse over the years and she went back to the hospital and was told the same thing again. She stated that no one believed she was actually suffering from the dizziness.
We perfromed the computerized dynamic posturography and the resut is shown on the right first image. The bar graphs indicate her sway velocity of COG (center of gravity). The higher the number, the more sway she had. Red color indicated that it is abnormal in her age group. We could clearly see the abnormality of her balance and COG. She was unable to close her eyes without falling.
Based on our finginds of examinations, we built the treatment plan for this patient to improve her deficient neurological function. Rehabilitation included brainstem, cerebellar stimulation, vestibular rehabilitation, eye exercises. The patient responded very quickly and she felpt better immediately following the therapies.
On next day, we performed the exact same balance testing using the computerized dunamic posturography. The result is shown on the right second image. The result showed significant improvements on balance and COG. The COG sway velocity is much lower, meaning more stable. The green bar graph indicated that she's in normal range in her age group. She was able to close her eyes without falling.
This gentelman was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease and he presented with a chief complaint of balance issues. He wanted to improve his balance and his posture especially to walk straight and normally. After the examination, we perfromed Limits of Stability (LOS) testing. LOS is an assessment of balance and evaluating one's ability to displace COG (center of gravity). We tested him in 8 different directions, forward, right forward, right, right backward, backward, left backward, left and left forward. We measured maximum excursions, movement velocity, directional control and reaction time.
On the first image on right showed his LOS in his fist visit. From the center area, his ability to displace COG was significantly limited. You can see the lines from the center are short. On the second image on the right, you can see the improvement of this ability by the longer lines from the center box. He went throught 3 sessions of rehabilitation over 2 weeks and he showed this improvement. His rehabilitation included functional neurological rehabilitation, balance trainig, eye exercises and chiropractic care. He also performed home exercises to improve his balance and gait efficiency.

Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 6:00AM~4:00PM / Friday 8:00AM~12:00PM (Appointment only)
After hours and weekend appointment are also available upon request.
Email: TEL:713-772-4607 FAX:713-772-6015
Free consultation is also available.
In order to perform comprehensive examination and rehabilitation, initial visit usually takes approximately 2-3 hours. Follow-up visits vary greatly based on your goal and rehabilitation plan. We will build an individualized rehabilitation plan based on your needs and goals.
TOP page > Clinical Cases
Low back pain
Whiplash injury
Traumatic Brain Injury
Developmental issues
Balance disorder
Neck pain
Tennis elbow
Achilles tendinitis
Post-stroke disorder
Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 6:00AM~4:00PM / Friday 8:00AM~12:00PM
Dr.Ikeda will take time for each patient to perform comprehensive examination and offer rehabilitation plan. Therefore, an appointment in advance is needed. However, in the case of acute low back pain or whiplash injury, Dr. Ikeda may be able to accomodate such cases. After hours and weekend appointment are also available uopon reuqest. Please contact Dr. Ikeda directly ( for scheduling.
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Disclaimer: All information contained within this website ( is for imformational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any health problem- nor is it intended to replace the advice of a qualified medical practitioner. At Houston Chiropractic Neurology, the doctors hold Doctor of Chiropractic degree and liscened chiropractors by Texas Chiropractic Board Examiners.