Contact: Houston Chiropractic Rehabilitation
TEL▷713-772-4607 FAX▷713-772-6015
Address▷8510 Hillcroft Houston, TX 77096 U.S.A.
TOP Page -> Balance
Many neurological/musculoskeletal disorders are associated with pathology of balance and gait. Good balance requires the good functioning of the body and brain. Good balance is the complex and integrated process of vestibular, visual and somatosensory systems functions. Most pathologies of any part of the body cause a decrease in balance. Therefore, evaluation of balance is a great window to assess your function of brain. Computerized dynamic postrugraphy helps our assessment and rehabilitation with clear objective findings. These computerized assessments and data allows us not only to predict the probability of a fall, but also to find out functionality of brain and body. Falls are the greatest cause of accidental death and most fallers have no signs or symptoms before a fall. Our force plate can measure the otherwise undetectable movements you make when you stand. Even if you don’t have any subjective symptoms, by using this balance testing, we can gain a window into your brain’s functionality and health and may or may not discover potential issues we should address.
Y balance test is a dynamic test performed in single-leg stance that requires strength, flexibility, core control and proprioception. It has been used to assess physical performance, identify chronic ankle and ACL instability , and identify athletes at greater risk for lower extremity injury. Researchers have suggested including these tests in screening for activity participation. Asymmetry may indicate following: joint mobility dysfunction, stability motor control dysfunction, vestibular dysfunction, proprioceptive dysfunction and/or abnormal somatosensory input. It is known that appropriate rehabilitation allows patients to improve their core strength and performance resulting in restoring proper motor control and preventing injuries.

If you or your loved one have balance issue,
please consult us.
Let us help you restore your balance in your life.
Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 6:00AM~4:00PM / Friday 8:00AM~12:00PM (Appointment only)
After hours and weekend appointment are also available upon request.
Email: TEL:713-772-4607 FAX:713-772-6015
Free consultation is also available.
In order to perform comprehensive examination and rehabilitation, initial visit usually takes approximately 2-3 hours. Follow-up visits vary greatly based on your goal and rehabilitation plan. We will build an individualized rehabilitation plan based on your needs and goals.
Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 6:00AM~4:00PM / Friday 8:00AM~12:00PM
Dr.Ikeda will take time for each patient to perform comprehensive examination and offer rehabilitation plan. Therefore, an appointment in advance is needed. However, in the case of acute low back pain or whiplash injury, Dr. Ikeda may be able to accomodate such cases. After hours and weekend appointment are also available uopon reuqest. Please contact Dr. Ikeda directly ( for scheduling.
Copyright © Functional Care,P.C. All rights reserved.
Disclaimer: All information contained within this website ( is for imformational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any health problem- nor is it intended to replace the advice of a qualified medical practitioner. At Houston Chiropractic Neurology, the doctors hold Doctor of Chiropractic degree and liscened chiropractors by Texas Chiropractic Board Examiners.