Contact: Houston Chiropractic Rehabilitation
TEL▷713-772-4607 FAX▷713-772-6015
Address▷8510 Hillcroft Houston, TX 77096 U.S.A.
TOP Page -> Treatment and Rehabilitation -> Low Level Laser Therapy
LLLT is a non-invasive and effective form of a therapeutic modality that uses the innovative power of lasers to penetrate the body’s tissues, allowing them to increase mitochondrial activities, stimulate healing processes, impulse cellular metabolism, improve cell proliferation and stimulate neurogenesis.

Low back pain ;2016,meta-analysis: by looking into total of 1039 people in 15 research, LLLT to chronic low back pain was effective to reduce pain in short period of time. (Glazov, G., Yelland, M., & Emery, J. (2016). Low-level laser therapy for chronic non-specific low back pain: a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. Acupuncture in Medicine, acupmed-2015-011036.
Shoulder pain;2010,Systematic review: 18 Randomized Control Trials for shoulder problems such as shoulder capsulitis showed "strong evidence" of LLLT efficiency. (Favejee, M. M., Huisstede, B. M. a, & Koes, B. W. (2011). Frozen shoulder: the effectiveness of conservative and surgical interventions--systematic review. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 45(1), 49–56.
Myofascial Pain Syndrome;2010, The International Association for the Study of Pain released the statement that LLLT has "strong evidence" of treatment for myofascial pain syndrome. (
Tennis elbow;2011, Systematic review: 80 research and literatures showed LLLt is a safe and effective therapy for tennis elbwo. (Bisset, L., Coombes, B., & Vicenzino, B. (2011). Tennis elbow. Clinical Evidence, (November 2009), 1–35.)
Achilles tendonitis: 2010, American Physiotherapy Association stated that LLLT is a effective therapy for Achilles tendonitis. (
Neck pain; 2009,Systematic review: by analyzing 16 Randomized Control Trials, in total of 820 people, LLLT showed instant effects to reduce pain with acute neck pain. It was effective for chronic neck pain within 1-22 weeks. (Chow, R. T., Johnson, M. I., Lopes-Martins, R. A. B., & Bjordal, J. M. (2009). Efficacy of low-level laser therapy in the management of neck pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised placebo or active-treatment controlled trials. Lancet, 374(9705), 1897–908.
Diabetic neuropathy; 2015, clinical report: 19 patients with pain due to type II diabetic neuropathy improved significantly after 10 days of LLLT treatments. (Shashi Kumar, C. G., Maiya, A. G., Manjunath Hande, H., Vidyasagar, S., Rao, K., & Rajagopal, K. V. (2015). Efficacy of low level laser therapy on painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy. Laser Therapy, 24(3), 195–200.
Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 6:00AM~4:00PM / Friday 8:00AM~12:00PM (Appointment only)
After hours and weekend appointment are also available upon request.
Email: TEL:713-772-4607 FAX:713-772-6015
Free consultation is also available.
In order to perform comprehensive examination and rehabilitation, initial visit usually takes approximately 2-3 hours. Follow-up visits vary greatly based on your goal and rehabilitation plan. We will build an individualized rehabilitation plan based on your needs and goals.
Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 6:00AM~4:00PM / Friday 8:00AM~12:00PM
Dr.Ikeda will take time for each patient to perform comprehensive examination and offer rehabilitation plan. Therefore, an appointment in advance is needed. However, in the case of acute low back pain or whiplash injury, Dr. Ikeda may be able to accomodate such cases. After hours and weekend appointment are also available uopon reuqest. Please contact Dr. Ikeda directly ( for scheduling.
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Disclaimer: All information contained within this website ( is for imformational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any health problem- nor is it intended to replace the advice of a qualified medical practitioner. At Houston Chiropractic Neurology, the doctors hold Doctor of Chiropractic degree and liscened chiropractors by Texas Chiropractic Board Examiners.