Contact: Houston Chiropractic Rehabilitation
TEL▷713-772-4607 FAX▷713-772-6015
Address▷8510 Hillcroft Houston, TX 77096 U.S.A.
TOP Page -> Our approach and strategy
What are you looking for? What do you hope to improve?
We ask this question in beginning...
I want to get rid of my pain. I want to know how to correct my low back pain. I want to correct my posture
I go to a chiropractor or massage for 5 years. I hope to be independent.
I feel my balance is getting worse. I want to check my balance and improve it.
I was told "there is no abnormal finding on your blood tests, images." However, I don't feel good.
I was told to go to a psychiatrist but I don't want to take medications for my condition.
My child is diagnosed with ADHD and taking medication but nothing has changed.
I want to improve my sport performances. I want to improve my golf skills. I want to strengthen my core.
I want to know how to prevent injury.
I was diagnosed with parkinson's disease and told that there is nothing they can do about it.
My child's posture is not good and don't know what to do.
My child is diagnosed with scoliosis and want to know what to do.
I was recommended to do exercises but I don't know what exercises I should be doing.
I cannot think of people's name and locations. I cannot express myself well.
I was diagnosed with metabolic syndrome and recommended to change lifestyle but not sure what to do.
Theses are all real statements from our patients. Different people with different backgrounds and lifestyles come to our office for different reasons. We help you to find a solution to overcome your struggles and help you to achieve your goals. In order to do that, we perform throughout examinations and build individualized treatment and rehabilitation plan. Our approach is based on recent neuroscience, neurology, physiology, clinical neuroscience. We also utilize cutting-edge technological instruments and equipments to provide accurate and measurable objective data. We evaluate your condition regularly to check your progress and constantly modify your rehabilitative plan, in order to achieve your goal.
Advancement on western medicine is remarkable. Examination and diagnostic levels, emergency medicine and each specialty's expertise is outstanding. We all enjoy the modern medicine. On the other hand, diagnosis sometimes depends on examination data too much, resulting in treating symptoms rather than a cause. When there is no abnormality on blood tests or images and no pathological change is detected, functional dysfunctions tends to be ignored. As a result, symptoms such as pain, are treated with medications and many symptoms are considered due to stress and aging. Medical expertise is very important to look at each system but it sometimes lacks to look at connections between each system. For instance, there are connections between gut and brain, diabetes and balance, low back pain and shoulder pain. Due to medical expertise often focus on one system, the concept of a whole body care is lacking.
We ask your lifestyle, exercise routine, diet, past injury, family history, social life, work environment and find out causes and relationship to the symptoms. It is essential to find out the causes to solve your symptoms and be independent from treatments.

Dr. Ikeda will perform comprehensive physical/neurological/orthopedic exam with integrating assessments of functional neurology and Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA). The exam is to determine how is the functions of patient’s brain, movements and muscles. Whenever indicated by the exam and based upon the clinical judgment of the chiropractic neurologist, we may order additional lab work and medical imaging as needed. Then, we complete assessment utilizing cutting-edge diagnostic technologies to measure postural control, motor accuracy, motor planning, attention, ocular control all in effort to pinpoint cause of problem.-Click here for more information-
Commonly assessed; Joint assessment, Range of motions, orthopedic exam, neurological exam
Commonly assessed;Primitive reflexes, retained primitive reflexes, gait analysis, cross-crawl
Commonly assessed; Gait analysis, Functional Movement Screen, Selective Functional Movement Assessment, y-balance, breathing, functional muscles testing
Coming soon
Commonly assessed; Smooth pursuits, Saccades, Vestibular ocular reflex, Optokinetic Reflex, Gaze holdings...etc
Commonly assessed; Ability to maintain balance, Center of gravity, Weight shifting...etc
Commonly assessed; Interactive metrnome
Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 6:00AM~4:00PM / Friday 8:00AM~12:00PM (Appointment only)
After hours and weekend appointment are also available upon request.
Email: TEL:713-772-4607 FAX:713-772-6015
Free consultation is also available.
In order to perform comprehensive examination and rehabilitation, initial visit usually takes approximately 2-3 hours. Follow-up visits vary greatly based on your goal and rehabilitation plan. We will build an individualized rehabilitation plan based on your needs and goals.
Common exam: CBC +glucose, Hba1c, UA, BUN, Creatine, BUN/CRr, eGFR, Sodium, Potassium, Chloride, Calcium, CO2, Phosphorus, Total protein, Albumin, Globulin, A/G ration, Total Bilrubin, Alkaline Phosphatase, LDH, AST, ALT, GGT, iron, TIBC, UIBC, ferritin, Iron saturation, Magnesium, LDL, HDL, VLDL, Total cholesterol, Triglycerides, CHol/HDL ratio,TSH,T3/4, Vitamin D, Homocysteine, CRP...etc
Commonly used; Diet recommendations, exercises that you can do at home or work.
Commonly used; Visual feedback, cognitive therapy, breathing feedback
Primitive reflex integration exercises, interactive metronome
Commonly used; paleo diet, ketogenic diet, gluten-free diet, hypoglycemic diet, autoimmune diets
Commonly used; Core training, biomechanics restoring, Corrective exercises, breathing techniques, Functional tapings
Commonly used; Vestibular Rehab, Ocular movement exercises, Balance training
Commonly used; Chiropractic Adjustment, Soft Tissue Therapy, PNF/PIR, Movement with Mobilization
We provide each patient with an individualized care plan that is designed to address specific dysfunctions discovered through exams. The individualized treatment plan includes an in-office therapies and simple in-home exercises that are all uniquely selected and combined to meet the patient’s specific needs. Therapies and rehabilitations listed here are some examples. Our therapies and rehabilitations are based on neurological/physiological functions and clinical neuroscience, utilizing cutting-edge technologies. Depending on the patient’s need, we combine some or all of these therapies. Progress is measured regularly to provide rapid feedback and allow refinement of the plan as necessary to achieve the desired results. -Click here for more info-
Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 6:00AM~4:00PM / Friday 8:00AM~12:00PM
Dr.Ikeda will take time for each patient to perform comprehensive examination and offer rehabilitation plan. Therefore, an appointment in advance is needed. However, in the case of acute low back pain or whiplash injury, Dr. Ikeda may be able to accomodate such cases. After hours and weekend appointment are also available uopon reuqest. Please contact Dr. Ikeda directly ( for scheduling.
Copyright © Functional Care,P.C. All rights reserved.
Disclaimer: All information contained within this website ( is for imformational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any health problem- nor is it intended to replace the advice of a qualified medical practitioner. At Houston Chiropractic Neurology, the doctors hold Doctor of Chiropractic degree and liscened chiropractors by Texas Chiropractic Board Examiners.