Contact: Houston Chiropractic Rehabilitation
TEL▷713-772-4607 FAX▷713-772-6015
Address▷8510 Hillcroft Houston, TX 77096 U.S.A.
TOP Page -> Treatment and Rehabilitation -> Interactive Metronome
Your brain has an “internal clock” that keeps time. Timing in the brain (aka., “temporal processing”) is responsible for detecting where a sound is coming from as sound hits one ear microseconds before the other, for waking up and putting to sleep our brain every 12 hours or so, and for focusing attention, reading comprehension, remembering information, processing speech, motor coordination, and several other human capabilities.

Rehabilitation for a patient with traumatic brain Injury
There exists a growing body of literature describing the neural timing deficits in ADHD, Dyslexia, Autism, Reading Disorders, Auditory Processing Disorder, Parkinson’s, and other neurological conditions. Traumatic Brain Injury or Stroke may also disrupt timing in the brain. By addressing timing in the brain with Interactive Metronome (IM) alongside functional therapy interventions you are not only addressing areas of ability that impact achievement and independence but also the heart of the problem, that of deficient neural timing within and between regions of the brain that are underlying many of the problems you are working on in therapy. This leads to more efficient treatment and better overall treatment outcomes.
IM's game-like auditory-visual platform engages the patient and provides constant feedback at the millisecond level to promote synchronized timing in the brain. Functional exercises can be customized and involve a hierarchy of increasingly complex and precisely timed motor movements intertwined with gradually higher and faster cognitive processing, attention and decision-making. It is the only neuro-motor therapy tool that can be used successfully with all patients across the therapy spectrum, even those that require total hands-on assistance due to cognitive and/or physical impairments and those that are very young or elderly.
IM takes therapy to a new level. Rather than simply performing repetitive movement or cognitive activities to achieve functional gains, therapists that incorporate IM into functional therapy activities report their patients are more engaged, more alert, complete far more repetitions of functional movement patterns and activities in a more precise and timely manner, and demonstrate faster progress toward cognitive, communicative, and physical therapy goals. Patients who are challenged and can see measurable improvements are more motivated to continue their therapy and achieve optimal success.
IM activated brain networks among cingulate gyrus, basal ganglia, brain stem and frontal cortex and stimulated communications in brain, according to fMRI study. (The Role of Functional MRI in Defining Auditory-Motor Processing Networks, Neal Alpiner, William Beaumont Hospital, White paper and results to be presented at national PM&R conference 2004)

Children who are diagnosed with ADHD tend to lack motor control and motor programming. IM rehabilitation helped improve children behavior. IM helps train and improve motor control and motor programming. (Leisman, G., & Melillo, R. (2010). Effects of motor sequence training on attentional performance in ADHD children. International Journal on Disability and Human Development, 9(4), 275–282. doi:10.1515/IJDHD.2010.043)

Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 6:00AM~4:00PM / Friday 8:00AM~12:00PM (Appointment only)
After hours and weekend appointment are also available upon request.
Email: TEL:713-772-4607 FAX:713-772-6015
Free consultation is also available.
In order to perform comprehensive examination and rehabilitation, initial visit usually takes approximately 2-3 hours. Follow-up visits vary greatly based on your goal and rehabilitation plan. We will build an individualized rehabilitation plan based on your needs and goals.
Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 6:00AM~4:00PM / Friday 8:00AM~12:00PM
Dr.Ikeda will take time for each patient to perform comprehensive examination and offer rehabilitation plan. Therefore, an appointment in advance is needed. However, in the case of acute low back pain or whiplash injury, Dr. Ikeda may be able to accomodate such cases. After hours and weekend appointment are also available uopon reuqest. Please contact Dr. Ikeda directly ( for scheduling.
Copyright © Functional Care,P.C. All rights reserved.
Disclaimer: All information contained within this website ( is for imformational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any health problem- nor is it intended to replace the advice of a qualified medical practitioner. At Houston Chiropractic Neurology, the doctors hold Doctor of Chiropractic degree and liscened chiropractors by Texas Chiropractic Board Examiners.